St. Teresa of AvilaBut you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people, in order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. 1 Peter 2:9


Am I a priestess? It’s hard to imagine that of myself, but that is what the Bible tells us in 1 Peter. We are to be “like living stones, let (ourselves) be built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ” (v. 5). Hebrews 4:16 says we are to “approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help (others and ourselves) in time of need.” The people of ancient Israel were God’s special “chosen people” (Deuteronomy 7:6). But through Christ, all believers are now “God’s own people.” He has given us the authority to appeal directly to Him with all the privileges of a priest. We no longer need a human religious leader to intervene for us; because of Christ’s saving work, we can ask God for what we need openly.


“Sainthood” might be the closest thing to “royal priesthood” that we have in our modern world. Although I am not a member of the Catholic church, I am often comforted by learning about women who have been named saints. The Catholic church’s process to determine sainthood requires extensive documentation that the person has performed at least two miracles in her lifetime. I believe in miracles, and I believe that those who live exemplary earthly lives dedicated to service to God are miracles within themselves. Reading about their lives gives me hope in both humankind and God. I am encouraged that certain human beings have found favor with God and humankind. Perhaps there is hope for me in the small things I try to do and say (“spiritual sacrifices”) to encourage others. I do this not just to “be polite,” but to fulfill God’s purpose for me. While I may never be anointed with sainthood, I can recall the words of 1 Peter 2:9 and know that I am valued in God’s sight as one of His “priesthood of believers.”


Father of Light, we proclaim Your mighty acts because You created us to do so. We belong to You forever. Amen


Meg Blaine Corrigan finds ideas for her devotional blogs in everyday places and events, from comic strips to magazines and books, comments on the fly from people she meets, ancient memories of her childhood, and nigglings from God. To date, she has written nearly 700 different devotions, filling one book of daily readings, Saints With Slingshots: Daily Devotions for the Slightly Tarnished But Perpetually Forgiven Christian, published in 2015. Meg is working on a second book (Saints TWO) which she had hoped would be completed by now. She posts once a week, which means in seven years, she will have enough entries to fill a second book. Sometimes life gets in the way of writing, so Meg is pacing herself, enjoying spending time with her husband, their four daughters and spouses, ten grandchildren and two great-grandchildren, as well as their rescue dog, Bassett/Beagle mix Ginger. Meg is involved in volunteer work at her church, Christ Lutheran in Lake Elmo, Minnesota, and also with sexual violence/sex trafficking prevention and education. She speaks to groups whenever she if offered the opportunity. She is a voracious reader of other people’s writing, which gives her lots of ideas for more devotional blogs. Read more about her at or contact her at .


  1. Hi Meg, I was certain as a young child that I would be faced with something heroic that I would have to do for my faith. I was raised Catholic. Never happened. I realize now that it is all the small choices that we make each day that make us hero’s, just like you! Jan F


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